I divided the Dark World in the same manner as the Light World (see Z3LW.HNT, my upload on the Light World). I have made the following changes in names: Kakariko Village is now the Village of Outcasts; the Lost Woods in the Skull Woods; instead of the Easten Palace and Vicinity, it is now the Palace of Darkness and Vicinity; the Desert of Mystery becomes Misery Mire; and the Castle of Hyrule is called the Golden Pyramid. When I want to refer to my other upload, I will place an asterik in parentheses (*). The Skull Woods has only one Heart Container Piece. This is in the cave that lead to Death Mountain in the Light World. You need the Titan's Mitt to pick up the block outside, though. Also, inside the cave, you'll need the Magic Cape to walk on small ledges and squeeze between the wall and one of those bouncy things. You'll come up outside on a ledge with the Piece right in front of you. The Firerod is also in this area, in the Skull Woods. You'll need to fall in about three holes, one under some bushes, and try different entrances. Once you get it, blast the skeleton of a bug in the Woods with it to find the entrance to the rest of dungeon #3. Just like in the Light World, the Village of Outcasts has three Heart Container Pieces. But it doesn't come cheap. One can be found at the Game of Chance found in the village (I'm not sure if it's in a different box every time; for me, it was in the lower-right one). Another can be found at the Digging Field (again, it's probably different; it was near a skull for me, I think). It's expensive to play these games, but there are 600 rupees in the village, so it shouldn't be any problem. The last one is in front of the Blacksmith's house (or what should be the Blacksmith's house). By pounding all the stakes here with the Hammer, an entrance in the ground will appear, leading to the Piece. But to get to the stakes, you need the Titan's Mitt, found in dungeon #4. This dungeon is in the town square, and can be opened by pulling at the pitchfork. To find the boss in this dungeon, make a hole in the floor in the 1st floor and lead the captive "girl" to the boss room. The final Bottle is also found in the village. Once you upgrade the Master Sword to Level 3 (*), you will find a chest in the Dark World Blacksmith's house. It will follow you, so bring it to the sleeping locksmith outside the Desert in the Light World. In Misery Mire is another Heart Container Piece, found in the left dungeon entrance. To open the real entrance, use Ether (*) magic on the spot that looks like that magic. Other than that, the only item here is the Cane of Somaria in basement 1. I needed this to get through dungeon #5. Here's Death Mountain again. It's not as bad as it was in the Light World, but it still isn't fun. Turtle Rock, which holds the Mirror Shield in basement 1, can only be reached by using a teleportal from the Light World (*) and then using Quake magic the same way you used Ether at Dungeon #6. After you finish this dungeon, along with the other six, you can proceed to Ganon's Tower. This is in the same location that the Tower of Hera was. In level 1 is the Red Armor, the best armor in the game. Up until this point, you had to wear the Blue Armor. Also, the Cane of Byrna is found in a cave on this mountain. It is in a cave on a ledge below Ganon's Tower; you need the Hammer, and to save energy, the Cape. The Cane works a lot like the Magic Cape, except it's the only weapon that you can use while swimming (great protection!). The Golden Pyramid holds some *very* important items. On one of its ledges on the right is a Heart Container Piece. Once you do dungeons #5 and #6, the Bomb Shop, where Link's House is in the Light World, will sell a Super Bomb. Buy one and bring it to that crack you couldn't open with a normal bomb. Inside is a pond. Throw your Arrows and Sword in to get Silver Arrows and the Master Sword, level 4, respectively. And for those of you who are wondering: NO, you *cannot* get in that crack between the statues. You can come *out* of it, though. If you're unlucky, you'll figure it out. The Palace of Darkness requires an entrance fee of 110 rupees. Once inside, look for the Magic Hammer on floor 1. North of this palace is a ring of stones in the water. Throw something in for Quake magic. The Great Swamp holds the Super Bomb (see above) in the Bomb Shop. To get into dungeon #2 here, drain the pools in the Light World (*), then come here for a dip. You'll need the Flippers in many places in this dungeon. Look for the Hookshot in basement 1. The Hookshot is very useful; it acts as a Boomerang, and sometimes a weapon. And if you don't know how to get somewhere, remember this item. It can pull you to many areas that are otherwise unreachable (such as the entrance floor of dungeon #6). Also to be found in the Swamp is the Shovel, received from the Flute Boy. This is used to find the Flute (*). The final dungeon on this list is in Lake Hylia. You have to teleport from the Light World (*) to get inside this dungeon. Now, this is a HUGE dungeon, being eight floors long! Search out the Blue Armor on basement 5. You'll have to go up and down the basements here many times. There's one puzzle near the end that I couldn't figure out. If you can't either (you'll know what I'm talking about), bring the Cane of Somaria along with you. You'll also need Bombs and the Firerod in various areas. There's only one set of whirlpool warps in the Dark World. One is in southeast Lake Hylia, and it is connected to the one near what is the Magic Shop in the Light World. And that's it. Just a few general notes about the Dark World: 1. If something eats something of yours, kill it to get it back. 2. The Light World and Dark World are more similar than you think. You'll have look closely in some areas. 3. Some flying things around Lake Hylia and the Swamp are easily killed with the Hookshot. 4. If you see a tree with eyes, bump into the front of it. It'll shoot a Bomb at you, but now you can talk with it. 5. The skull arrow near the Sanctuary is just there to confuse you. Either that, or Ganon was making a "you are here" map. Now that you have this, and Z3LW.HNT, you should have a complete guide to the items and Heart Container Pieces of Zelda III. If you need some help with the dungeons, there is currently available "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: Nintendo Player's Guide" in the game, toy, and store books. Written and publsihed by Nintendo of America Inc., it covers every little aspect of the game. But if you don't want to spend $15 on it, just look to this library. Good luck, and may the force...... nah, that line's too old! More great files can be found on my BBS, The Playground!, at (508) 343-9163. Official release point for Apogee, Epic, and Software Creations. Contact me thru Compuserve at 74166,2504 or through Internet at 74166.2504@compuserve.com, or thru GEnie at E.GAGNE1. This file is copyright (c) 1993 by Kenny Gagne. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without giving credit.